I also own The Archaeology and Heritage Blog, which examines multi-disciplinary archaeological and cultural heritage topics by observing past human cultures via the artifacts, monuments and landscapes they created. This site provides information relating to archaeological and historical investigations, ancient world sites and museums, preventative conservation and ethical issues relating to the protection of our heritage and the antiquities trade. Themes will include periods from the origins of the human species up until the last century. Over the years, I have obtained numerous photographs and other data from both my workplace(s) as well as casual visits to countless museums. Rather than merely keeping them on CDs in a storage cupboard, I am adding them to this blog site for all to enjoy. Whether you are a heritage professional or someone with a keen interest in the past, I'm sure that there will be something of interest for you. You can access it here.
What Do Vikings Mean to You? New Global Survey Seeks Answers
The University of Oslo’s Museum of Cultural History has launched a global
study to uncover how people around the world perceive Viking warriors and
the e...
5 weeks ago