From The Yorkshire Post:
ENGINEERS burying power lines in the Yorkshire Dales have unearthed a piece of ancient history, which has baffled experts.
A long-buried strip of ash and burnt material was discovered in Kingsdale, near Ingleton, by an archaeologist working for United Utilities and Electricity North West.
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Wonderful blog! Please add an RSS feed to make it more accessible. You can find it under settings on the Blogger Dashboard. A Twitter account to follow your posts would also be great!
Hi George! Thanks for visiting my blog - I'm glad you enjoy it. The settings have already been established to include an RSS feed, but if you have any further problems, please don't hesitate to let me know and I will try to troubleshoot. In respect of Twitter, updates can be viewed via the column to the left of blog posts and I've also set up Twitterfeed to send feeds directly to my Twitter account (@DianeARees), so hopefully you should be getting these. If you have any other questions or concerns, however, I will be happy to help. Thanks again for your interest. Best wishes.